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Software Development

WordPress CloudFront Setup for Media Offloaded to Amazon S3

This doc aims to help you start delivering your WordPress Media Library items via Amazon CloudFront as quickly as possible. It is assumed that you’ve already set up an Amazon S3 bucket and followed the steps within our Amazon S3 Quick Start Guide. This article covers the following steps: Create an Amazon CloudFront distribution Configure WP

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Get High Email Sending Speed with Sendy Email App

[fusion_title hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” content_align=”center” size=”1″ font_size=”” line_height=”” letter_spacing=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_top_mobile=”” margin_bottom_mobile=”” text_color=”” style_type=”default” sep_color=””] Sendy / AWS SES performance tuning [/fusion_title] Meet Sendy Effectively Upload Email List inside Sendy Use these Free HTML Email Templates for Sendy Adding more to this list of helpful blog posts, today, we are going to explain How to

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Office 365 vs G-Suite

[fusion_title hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” content_align=”left” size=”2″ font_size=”” line_height=”” letter_spacing=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” text_color=”” style_type=”none” sep_color=””] WHICH IS BEST FOR YOUR BUSINESS? [/fusion_title] Office 365 vs G Suite (or, as it used to be known, Google Apps)…which is better? This is a question that many businesses, particularly startups, have a lot of trouble answering. So, in this post

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VMware – Monitoring and Troubleshooting Performance

You monitor CPU, memory, disk, network, and storage metrics by using the performance charts located on the Performance tab of the vSphere Client. Use the following guidelines to identify and resolve potential performance problems. [fusion_tabs design=”classic” layout=”vertical” justified=”yes” backgroundcolor=”#ffffff” inactivecolor=”” bordercolor=”” icon=”” icon_position=”” icon_size=”25″ hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””][fusion_tab title=”CPU Performance” icon=”fa-microchip fas”]Use the vSphere Client CPU performance charts

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Google PageSpeed Insight

[fusion_title margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” size=”4″ content_align=”center” style_type=”default” sep_color=””] How to Score 100/100 in Google PageSpeed Insights with WordPress [/fusion_title] Google PageSpeed Insights is a web performance tool created by Google to help you easily identify ways to make your site faster and more mobile-friendly, by following recommendations on best web practices. A very important

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