Google Data Studio Community Connectors

Since the recent developer launch of Data Studio Community Connectors, users have been able to easily connect to and report on data from over 250 new sources.

Partners are also now leveraging Data Studio + Community Connectors as a free and powerful reporting and analysis solution for their customers, with minimal development investment.

We’ve already seen a number of interesting use cases. For example, ClickInsight, a Data Studio certified partner, used Community Connectors to create interactive experiences for the weather forecast in Toronto, the NY Times most popular stories, and real time departures info for the Bay Area Rapid Transit system. They embedded these Data Studio reports in a blog post for anyone to try, Are You Ready to Get Creative with Data Studio Connectors?

Try Community Connectors

We have been working with a growing number of partners that are making it easy for users to directly access all of their data in Data Studio. Partners such as AdStageAnalytics CanvasCallRaildata.worldFunnelPowerMyAnalytics, and Supermetricshave enabled easy access to 250 data sets including: Facebook Ads, MailChimp, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, Amazon, and many more available through the Community Connector Gallery.

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Data Studio Community Connectors Gallery

Easily build your own Community Connector

You can develop your own Community Connectors and use them in Data Studio reports and dashboards. Your connector can fetch data from sources such as:
We’ve made it easy to build your own connector by leveraging the Google Apps Script platform which provides a multitude of services and resources to quickly build and deploy connectors.
To learn more about building a Community Connector visit Getting Started with Community Connectors and the Community Connector Developer Program.

Share, publish or open-source your Community Connector

The reports you create using Community Connectors can be shared with others. In addition, you can let other Data Studio users use your connector. For example, you can directly share your connector with colleagues at your organization or make your connector available for all Data Studio users to find by publishing your connector in the Community Connector Gallery.

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